Anaesthesia covers the various techniques used to eliminate the pain caused by instruments during surgery, obstetrics or medical examinations (endoscopy, radiology…). There are two types of anaesthetic: general anaesthetic and local-regional anaesthetic. Our anaesthetists welcome you to the Polyclinique du Parc de Cholet for the birth of your baby (babies). The whole team is ready for every eventuality so that your baby is born in the safest possible conditions and we offer you a personalised plan for the problem of labour pains. Your child is going to have surgery and we are taking charge of the anaesthetic. Apart from exceptional circumstances, and according to the regulations currently in force, we can administer an anaesthetic to children older than one year and weighing over 10 kg. Pain is not inevitable. You are going to have surgery and you may fear that after the operation you will be in pain. This apprehension is quite normal. The anaesthetists and the specialized nurses who will be caring for you can offer efficient techniques and treatments to deal with postoperative pain and discomfort. Managed jointly by the EFS and the Polyclinique, this reserve is sufficient to cover haemorrage emergencies and if there is any likelihood of a haemorrage, blood products can be held in reserve specially for you for use during your operation. Pre-and post-operative care monitors and preserves the vital functions of the body (heart, lungs, kidneys and nerves). Intensive care also looks after the general functioning of the body (metabolism, calorie intake, thermogenesis, etc) and the delicate balance of the internal organs. Links and downloadable documents about anesthesia and associated procedures.Medical Information
Anaesthesia in practice
Epidural for childbirth
Your child and the anaesthetic
Blood transfusion
Intensive and continuing care
Links and downloads
Polyclinique du Parc
Avenue des Sables
49300 Cholet
Secretariat of anesthesia
02 41 63 46 05