Blood transfusion

Officially approved by the EFS (Établissement Français du Sang or French Blood Institution), the Polyclinique du Parc has its own reserve of blood products.

Managed jointly by the EFS and the Polyclinique, this reserve is sufficient to cover haemorrage emergencies and if there is any likelihood of a haemorrage, blood products can be held in reserve specially for you for use during your operation.

During the anaesthesia consultation before your operation, the anaesthetist will give you all the information you request concerning any risk of haemorrage. If you are opposed to blood transfusion you must make this completely clear during the consultation.

Saving blood using the perioperative auto-transfusion method

For some operations, mainly orthopaedic surgery (knee and hip replacements), vascular surgery (aortic prothesis or aneurysm) and neurological surgery (conventional laminectomy), you may be offered the treatment (suction and washing), using dedicated equipment, of your own blood lost during surgery for it to be given back to you and recirculated. This blood-saving technique limits blood loss during surgery and reduces the need for blood transfusion. It will be also be explained to you during the consultation with the anaesthetist.

To ensure your safety concerning blood transfusion, the anaesthesia team must have access to all information concerning any previous blood transfusions you may have had. You must also provide a recent blood group card with your details (the norm for such cards was updated in April 2002). If you have such a card, please bring it with you for your anaesthesia consultation.

Auto-transfusion périopératoire

If you need further information concerning blood transfusion, please use the links below to access dedicated websites (in French):

Making an appointment

You can make an appointment by phone at 02 41 63 46 29
Monday to Friday from 8h to 19h30 and Saturday from 8h to 12h30



Polyclinique du Parc
Avenue des Sables
49300 Cholet


Secretariat of anesthesia
02 41 63 46 05


Anesthesia consultation
02 51 89 18 76